Somatic Therapy

As a Registered Somatic Movement Therapist, I apply a body-centered approach to mental health care, where I meet you where you are at and support you in living the full spectrum of your life.


My personal experience with somatic therapy began as a client. Before finding somatic therapy, I had spent years feeling stuck in my head. Though I talked everything through at length and could often understand the “why” of it all, I still felt like I was getting nowhere, stuck spinning in circles.

In 2015, I began working with my somatic therapist, and learned how the sensations in my body could be a source of information. I learned how to navigate my nervous system and ground my emotions to access a sense of safety. This gave me tangible tools and a rudder of support to know and state my needs, have hard conversations with the people in my life, step more fully into myself, and access my own aliveness. Somatic therapy is now an integral support system as I navigate hardships, challenges, transitions, decision-making, and joy in my life.


In a somatic therapy session we are typically seated (though movement can arise). A client may come in with a life event, emotional experience, or physical experience they would like support around. As we work together, I continue to bring the client back to their body experience as a way to ground and support their process. A key principle of somatic work is to meet the client where they are at, and to be with the client as they share their experience. From there, I may offer a variety of body-based tools to assist the client in their next step.

Somatic work can be particularly helpful for:

  • Regulating the nervous system

  • Re-patterning trauma and past wounds

  • Supporting grief, anger, fear (and other potentially overwhelming emotions)

  • Getting unstuck in life, work, or relationships

  • Building capacity to have hard conversations

  • Accessing your aliveness

More Questions?

I am happy to speak with you for a free 15 minute phone consultation.